
What would you desire for your church if you had access to all the money in the world?


This is the Children’s Bible Study before Love came.

One lady’s answer to this touched my heart. All she wanted was four (4) bags of concrete. When I asked why, she stated that she could then put down a concrete floor for the children to have Bible study instead of the dirt floor they currently had. I cannot remember when four bags of concrete would make my day, but let me put this request in context.

It occurred in a community called Utalco, which is east of San Salvador, El Salvador. The church is about a mile from the paved county road near it and in a growing but yet small neighborhood. The AVERAGE day’s salary for manual labor is $6.50. More skilled labor, like brick masons, is $7.50. Four bags of concrete is the equivalent of one week’s salary if the family does not eat or have to pay for any utilities.


This is what Love can provide.

Christian love is often spoken of as being a noun describing an emotion, when most of the time it is a verb describing an action. One group of Christians saw this need for four bags of concrete and decided to act. They raised $15,000.00 and gave to the church which in turn built a church instead of just the four bags of concrete. Most of the work was done by the church members. Sometimes God answers prayers by giving more than you ask for, because He can see your need in a greater sphere that you can. Instead of meeting the need of the immediate he prepares you to meet the need of the future.

-Cliff Hudgins